Tuesday, November 26, 2019

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid You Make When You Meet New People

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid You Make When You Meet New People First impressions are incredibly important. Don’t botch yours by making silly mistakes that undermine your chances of being taken seriously. Wondering whether you might be making any of these totally avoidable errors? Double check your meeting-new-people routine and make sure you aren’t falling victim to any of these faux pas.1. Me me me me me†¦Talking too much about yourself can be very  off-putting. You’ve been in that situation- suffering a seemingly endless monologue from some contact whose hand you’ve only just shaken. It’s an easy trap to fall into, particularly when you’re meant to be networking and selling yourself.Remember to take a step back every now and then and ask some questions about the person you are speaking with. And keep in mind that dominance is not the same as confidence. You can let the conversation be more equal and still project the confidence and control you’ve been working so hard to cultivate.2. Not  Talking About YourselfAlmost as bad as droning on and on about yourself is not talking about yourself enough. Don’t make the other person do all of the conversational heavy-lifting. Don’t give one word answers to thoughtful questions. Don’t be evasive, etc.3. Complaining All the TimeIf you’re just meeting someone, the last thing you want is to give the impression that you’re a moaner. Try to keep it positive, at least for the first half an hour of your acquaintance. You can complain to your family and friends all you like. Keep professional settings positive.4. Buying the First RoundYou may think that you’re ingratiating yourself to a group you’ve just met by offering to bring drinks for everyone back from the bar. But it can actually be more beneficial to a new connection for them to feel like they are doing you a favor. Let someone else grab your drink, then thank them warmly. No need to be the waitress or the star. Just focus on the impression you most want to make.5. Not Being Up-FrontSometimes you meet someone you’ve been following online. It’s awkward and problematic to pretend you don’t know things that you do. Be open about how you’ve made their Internet acquaintance- this will give you something extra to chat about more naturally. And the same goes for not pretending you know more about someone you’ve been introduced to than you do. In these, as in so many cases, honesty is best.6. Over-ComplimentingYou may want to impress someone, but being too complimentary can actually freak people out. And will definitely make you look like you’re just sucking up. Try to keep it as genuine as possible.7. Getting Too PersonalThink of a networking event or opportunity as a first date. Keep things on a somewhat even and considered keel. There will be time for oversharing if you develop a real friendship or connection. Try not to overwhelm your new connection right off the bat .

Friday, November 22, 2019

How the Versailles Treaty Contributed to Hitlers Rise

How the Versailles Treaty Contributed to Hitler's Rise In 1919, a defeated Germany was presented with peace terms by the victorious powers of World War I. Germany wasn’t invited to negotiate and was given a stark choice: sign or be invaded. Perhaps inevitably, given the years of mass bloodshed German leaders had caused, the result was the Treaty of Versailles. But from the start, the terms of the treaty caused anger, hate, and revulsion across German society. Versailles was called a diktat, a dictated peace. The German Empire from 1914 was split up, the military carved to the bone, and huge reparations demanded. The treaty caused turmoil in the new, highly troubled Weimar Republic, but, although Weimar survived  into the 1930s, it can be argued that key provisions of the Treaty contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler. The Treaty of Versailles was criticized at the time by some voices among the victors, including economists such as John Maynard Keynes. Some claimed the treaty would simply delay a resumption of war for a few decades, and when Hitler rose to power in the 1930s and started a  second world war, these predictions seemed prescient. In the years after World War II, many commentators pointed to the treaty as being a key enabling factor. Others, however, praised the Treaty of Versailles and said the connection between the treaty and the Nazis was minor. Yet Gustav Stresemann, the best-regarded politician of the Weimar era, was constantly trying to counter the terms of the treaty and restore German power. The Stabbed in the Back Myth At the end of World War I, the Germans offered an armistice to their enemies, hoping negotiations could take place under the Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilson. However, when the treaty was presented to the German delegation, with no chance to negotiate, they had to accept a peace that many in Germany saw as arbitrary and unfair. The signatories and the Weimar government that had sent them were seen by many as the November Criminals. Some Germans believed this outcome had been planned. In the later years of the war, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff had been in command of Germany. Ludendorff called for a peace deal but, desperate to shift the blame for defeat away from the military, he handed power to the new government to sign the treaty while the military stood back, claiming it hadn’t been defeated but had been betrayed by the new leaders. In the years after the war, Hindenburg claimed the army had been stabbed in the back. Thus the military escaped blame. When Hitler rose to power in the 1930s, he repeated the claim that the military had been stabbed in the back and that surrender terms had been dictated. Can the Treaty of Versailles be blamed for Hitlers rise to power? The terms of the treaty, such as Germanys acceptance of blame for the war, allowed myths to flourish. Hitler was obsessed with the belief that Marxists and Jews had been behind the failure in World War I and had to be removed to prevent failure in World War II. The Collapse of the German Economy It can be argued that Hitler may not have taken power without the massive economic depression that struck the world, including Germany, in the late 1920s. Hitler promised a way out, and a disaffected populace turned to him. It can also be argued Germany’s economic troubles at this time were due- at least in part- to the Treaty of Versailles. The victors in World War I had spent a colossal sum of money, which had to be paid back. The ruined continental landscape and economy had to be rebuilt. France and Britain were facing huge bills, and the answer for many was to make Germany pay. The amount to be repaid in reparations was huge, set at $63 billion at the time, later reduced to $33 billion and finally $28 billion. But just as Britains effort to make American colonists pay for the French and Indian War backfired, so did reparations. It wasn’t the cost that proved the problem since reparations had been all but neutralized after the 1932 Lausanne Conference, but the way the German economy became massively dependent on American investment and loans. This was fine when the American economy was surging, but when it collapsed during the Great Depression Germany’s economy was ruined as well. Soon six million people were unemployed, and the populace became drawn to right-wing nationalists. It’s been argued that the economy was liable to collapse even if America’s had stayed strong because of Germanys problems with foreign finance. It also has been argued that leaving pockets of Germans in other nations via the territorial settlement in the Treaty of Versailles was always going to lead to conflict when Germany tried to reunite everyone. While Hitler used this as an excuse to attack and invade, his goals of conquest in Eastern Europe went far beyond anything that can be attributed to the Treaty of Versailles. Hitlers Rise to Power The Treaty of Versailles created a small army full of monarchist officers, a state within a state that remained hostile to the democratic Weimar Republic and that succeeding German governments didn’t engage with. This helped create a power vacuum, which the army tried to fill with  Kurt von Schleicher before backing Hitler. The small army left many ex-soldiers unemployed and ready to join the warring on the street. The Treaty of Versailles contributed greatly to the alienation many Germans felt about their civilian, democratic government. Combined with the actions of the military, this provided rich material Hitler used to gain support on the right. The treaty also triggered a process by which the German economy was rebuilt based on U.S. loans to satisfy a key point of Versailles, making the nation especially vulnerable when the Great Depression hit. Hitler exploited this, too, but these were just two elements in Hitler’s rise. The requirement for reparations, the political turmoil over dealing with them, and the rise and fall of governments, as a result, helped keep the wounds open and gave right-wing nationalists fertile ground to prosper.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Lewis and Clark Expedition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Lewis and Clark Expedition - Essay Example The main objective of the expedition thus was stated as to â€Å"Explore the Missouri river & such principal stream of it as by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific ocean, whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other river may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent for the purpose of commerce† (Presidential Mission 2001). Led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, the historic expedition was given the name Corps Of Discovery. Exploring the history surrounding the expedition, it is worth understanding what prompted the American government in to commissioning this exploration. During the late seventeen hundreds, the French had been thinking of sending an expedition to explore the western part of the continent. President Thomas Jefferson, who was then the minister to France (1785-1789), heard many rumors of such expeditions. Although the French maintained that the expedition planned was purely on the basis of scientific interest and not of commercial motives, many had their doubts. Whatever the intentions may have been, the initial French expedition of 1788 was not a success as it was halted due to bad weather conditions (Lewis & Clark Expedition 2007). It’s most likely that President Thomas Jefferson’s interest in initiating the expedition once he became president was influenced to some degree by the knowledge of French interest in the matter. In addition, in 1786 an American, John Ledyard planned of crossing the Continent from the western side itself. The route was planned to be overland across Siberia all the way to the Capital. This expedition failed half way as Czarina, Catherine The Great of Russia had him deported to Poland once he arrived in Siberia. Subsequently, the Louisiana Purchase renewed the interest in exploring the west, and it also made the expedition more politically correct as the American

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Statement of qualification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statement of qualification - Essay Example These and other financial vicissitudes instilled a strong desire in me to learn and understand the intricate theories of finance and its workings. I carried these aspirations into my university studies where I chose to undertake a degree course Economics. At every level, I strived to acquire the utmost possible insights about economy. I felt that taking Economics at the university level would gratify my interests in financial matters and act as a stepping-stone to my dream career. The enriching experience I received in my undergraduate enthused me to dig deep on financial matters. The academically rigorous program and the milieu that was full of intellectually engaging course mates molded me a great deal. My performance in my undergraduate studies never slacked for a moment given that the environment and lectures gave ensured I stayed on track academically. Often, I would wonder about the situation of the world economy. I also wanted to know about the best stocks, interest rates, and bonds. These studies in economics furthered my interest in finance greatly. Studying economics has widened my interests in finance, and I aspire to know a lot on areas such as security analysis, valuation, and portfolio management. With time, I have also developed a keen interest in investments, and I am stimulated by the diverse valuation techniques involved in relative valuation and contingent claim. Taking numerous internship opportunities over summer periods and after graduation has done a lot in shaping my passion in finance. The internships gave me an opportunity to have pragmatic experience in finance matters. The opportunities also opened up and deepened my interest in portfolio asset allocation and theory. This, coupled with a Master in Finance from Santa Clara University, will give me further insight in valuation techniques and other finance matters in global markets. MÃ ¼ller and Achleitner (217) regard an in-depth knowledge in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Existentialism Is a Humanism Essay Example for Free

Existentialism Is a Humanism Essay My purpose here is to defend existentialism against several reproaches that have been laid against it. Existentialism has been criticised for inviting people to remain in a quietism of despair, to fall back into a the middle-class luxury of a merely contemplative philosophy. We are reproached for underlining human nastiness, and forgetting, as the Catholic Mme. Mercier has it, the smile of the child. All and sundry reproach us for treating men as isolated beings, largely because we begin with the I think of Descartes. Christians especially reproach us for denying the reality and seriousness of human society, since, if we ignore Gods eternal values, no-one is able to condemn anyone else. Existentialism is being seen as ugliness; our appeal to nature as scandalous, our writings sickening. Yet what could be more disillusioning than repeating those mottoes like dont fight against tradition, or know your station? They say that man is base and doomed to fall, he needs fixed rules to keep him from anarchy. In the end, is not what makes our doctrine so fearful to some merely the fact that it leaves all possibility of choice with man? It has become fashionable to call this painter, or musician or columnist an existentialist a term so loosely applied that it no longer means anything at all. However, it can be defined easily. Existentialists are either Christian, such as the Catholics Jaspers and Gabriel Marcel, or atheists like Heidegger and myself. What they have in common is to believe that existence comes before essence, that we always begin from the subjective. What does this mean? If one considers a manufactured object, say a book or a paper-knife, one sees that it has been made to serve a definite purpose. It has an essence, the sum of its purpose and qualities, which precedes its existence. The concept of man in the mind of God is comparable to the concept of paper-knife in the mind of the artisan. My atheist existentialism is rather more coherent. It declares that God does not exist, yet there is still a being in whom existence precedes essence, a being which exists before being defined by any concept, and this being is man or, as Heidegger puts it, human reality. That means that man first exists, encounters himself and emerges in the world, to be defined 1 Squashed version edited by Glyn Hughes: http://www. btinternet. com/~glynhughes/squashed/sartre. htm 1 afterwards. Thus, there is no human nature, since there is no God to conceive it. It is man who conceives himself, who propels himself towards existence. Man becomes nothing other than what is actually done, not what he will want to be. And when we say that man takes responsibility for himself, we say more than that he is in his choices responsible for all men. All our acts of creating ourselves create at the same time an image of man such as we believe he must be. Thus, our personal responsibility is vast, because it engages all humanity. If I want, say, to marry and have children, such choice may depend on my situation, my passion, my desire, but by it I engage not only myself, but all humanity in the way of the monogamy. In fashioning myself, I fashion man. This helps us to understand some rather grandiloquent words like anguish, abandonment, despair. The existentialist declares that man is in anguish, meaning that he who chooses cannot escape a deep responsibility for all humanity. Admittedly, few people appear to be anxious; but we claim that they mask their anguish, that they flee it. This is what Kierkegaard called the anguish of Abraham. You know the old story: An angel commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son. But anyone in such a case would wonder straight away, is this an angel? am I the Abraham? If we hear voices from the sky, what proves that they come not from hell, or the subconscious, or some pathological state? Who proves that they are addressed to me? Each man must say to himself: am I right to set the standard for all humanity? To deny that is to mask the anguish. When, for example, a military leader sends men to their deaths, he may have his orders, but at the bottom it is he alone who chooses. And when we speak about abandonment, we want to say that God does not exist, and that it is necessary to follow this conclusion to its end. The existentialist is strongly against that sloppy morality which tries to remove God without ethical expense, like the French professors of the 1880s who saw God as a useless and expensive assumption but still wanted definitive rules like do not lie to exist a priori. The existentialist, on the contrary, finds it rather embarrassing that God does not exist, for there disappears with him any possibility of finding values in a heaven. Dostoevsky wrote If God did not exist, everything would be permitted; that is the starting point of existentialism. We are alone, without excuses. That is what I mean when I say that man is condemned to be free. There is no power of beautiful passions which propel men to their actions, we think, rather, that man is responsible for his own passions. The existentialist cannot accept that man can be helped by any sign on earth, for he will 2 interpret the sign as he chooses. As Ponge has truly written Man is the future of man. To give you an example of this abandonment, I will quote the case of one of my pupils who came to me. He lived alone with his mother, his father having gone off as a collaborator and his brother killed in 1940. He had a choice to go and fight with the Free French to avenge his brother and protect his nation, or to stay and be his mothers only consolation. So he was confronted by two modes of action; one concrete and immediate but directed only towards one single individual; the other addressed to an infinitely greater end but very ambiguous. What would help him choose? Christian doctrine? Accepted morals? Kant? I said to him, In the end, it is your feelings which count. But how can we put a value on a feeling? At least, you may say, he sought the counsel of a professor. But, if you seek advice, from a priest for example, in choosing which priest you know already, more or less, what they would advise. When I was imprisoned, I met a rather remarkable man, a Jesuit who had joined that order in the following way: As a child, his father had died leaving him in poverty. At school he was made to feel that he was accepted only for charitys sake and denied the usual pleasures. At eighteen he came to grief in a sentimental affair and then failed his military examinations. He could regard himself as a total failure, but, cleverly, took it as a sign that the religious life was the way for him. He saw the word of God there, but who can doubt that the decision was his and his alone? He could as easily have chosen to be a carpenter or a revolutionary. As for despair, this simply means that we will restrict ourselves to relying only on our own will, or on the probabilities which make our action possible. If I am counting on the arrival of a friend, I presuppose that their train will be on time. But I am still among possibilities, outside my own field of action. No God, no intention, is going to alter the world to my will. In the end, Descartes meant the same, that we must act without hope. Marxists have answered Your action is limited by your death, but you can rely on others to later take up your deeds and carry them forward to the revolution. To this I rejoin that I cannot know where the revolution will lead. Others may come and establish Fascism. Does that mean that I must give up myself to quietism? No! Quietism is the attitude of people who say: let others do what I cannot do. The doctrine that I present is precisely the opposite: there is reality only in the action; and more, man is nothing other than his own project and exists only in as far as he carries it out. From this we see why our ideas so often cause horror. Many people have but one resource to sustain them in their misery; to think, circumstances were against me, I was worthy of better. I had no great love because I never met anyone worthy of me. I wrote no great book because I 3 had no time. I am filled with a crowd of possibilities greater than anyone could guess from my few achievements. But in reality, for the existentialist, there is no love other than that which is built, no artistic genius other than in works of art. The genius of Proust is the works of Proust. A man engages in his own life, draws his own portrait, there is nothing more. This is hard for somebody who has not made a success of life. But it is only reality that counts, not dreams, expectations or hopes. What people reproach us for here is not our pessimism, but the sternness of our optimism. If people reproach our writings, it is not because we describe humanity as frail and sometimes frankly bad, but because, unlike Zola whose characters are shown to be products of heredity or environment, you cannot say of ours That is what we are like, no one can do anything about it. The existentialist portrays a coward as one who makes himself a coward by his actions, a hero who makes himself heroic. Some still reproach us for confining man within his individual subjectivity. But there is no other starting-point than the I think, I am the absolute truth of consciousness, a simple truth within reach of everyone and the only theory which gives man the dignity of not being a mere object. All materialisms treat men as objects, no different in their being bundles of determined reactions than a table or a chair or a stone. We want to constitute a human kingdom of values distinct from the material world. Contrary to the philosophy of Descartes, contrary to the philosophy of Kant, we are discovering in the cogito not just ourselves but all others. We discover an intersubjective world where each man has to decide what he is and what others are. It is not possible to find in each man the universal essence called human nature, but there is a human universality of condition. Any purpose, even that of the Chinese, or the idiot or the child can be understood by a European, given enough information. In this sense, there is a universality of man; but it is not a given, it is something perpetually re-built. That does not entirely refute the charge of subjectivism. People tax us with anarchy; they say that you cannot judge others, because you have no reason to prefer one project to another. You give with one hand what you pretend to receive from the other. Let us say that moral choice is comparable to a work of art. Do we reproach the artist who makes a painting without starting from laid-down rules? Did we tell him what he must paint? There is no pre-defined picture, and no-none can say what the painting of tomorrow should be; one can judge only one at a time. 4 Amongst morals, the creative situation is the same, and just as the works of, say, Picasso, have consequences, so do our moral judgements. That student who came to me could not appeal to any system for guidance; he was obliged to invent the law for himself. We define man only through his engagement, so it is absurd to reproach us for the consequences of a choice. But it is not entirely true that we cannot judge others. We can judge whether choices are founded on truth or error, and we can judge a mans sincerity. The man who hides behind the excuse of his passions or of some deterministic doctrine, is a self-deceiver. And what if I wish to deceive myself? there is no reason why you should not, but I declare publicly that you are doing so. We will freedom for the sake of freedom. And through it we discover that our freedom depends entirely on the freedom of others, and that their freedom depends on ours. Those who hide their freedom behind deterministic excuses, I will call cowards. Those who pretend that their own existence was necessary, I will call scum. To the objection that You receive with one hand what you give with the other, that is, your values are not serious, since you choose them, I answer that, I am sorry, but having removed God the Father, one needs somebody to invent values. Things have to be taken as they are. One has reproached me ridiculing a type of humanism in Nausea, and now suggesting that existentialism is a form of humanism. The absurd type of humanism is to glory in Man the magnificent ascribing to all men the value of the deeds of the most distinguished men. Only a dog or a horse would be in a position to declare such a judgement. We cannot, either, fall into worshipping humanity, for that way leads to Fascism. But there is another humanism, the acceptance that there is only one universe, the universe of human subjectivity. Existentialism is not despair. It declares rather that even if God did exist, it would make no difference. 5.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Women and the Agricultural Revolution Essay -- essays papers

Women and the Agricultural Revolution Elise Boulding in her article, Women and the Agricultural Revolution, argues that women played a key role in initiating the Agricultural Revolution. She defines the revolution as happening within two stages: horticulture and agriculture proper. Women had a prominent role within the earlier form, horticulture. Horticulture is defined as farming for subsistence only.Women’s roles on the farm were not as dominant as society grew to farming for surplus instead. Boulding begins the article by discussing the shift society made from wandering nomads to settled villagers. She explains that it was women who recognized that plants could be easily domesticated. It was because of the domestication of plants that people decided to eventually settle down. In doing so, the early settlers exchanged the fairly simplistic nomadic life to that of a hard-working farmer. Throughout the essay, Boulding emphasizes the role women played in initiating this revolutionary shift. She describes the main duties women had and the status they held within a horticulture society. However, this changed as the purpose of farming shifted to agriculture proper. According to Boulding, women’s influence on the Agricultural Revolution began very early on. Women had recognized the significance of einkorn, a nutritious plant that was easy to cultivate. It was because of women recognizing that plants could be domesticated that nomads were introduced to farming....

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dr Jack Perry Motivation case Essay

This case revolves around Dr. Jack Perry, the protagonist, is proprietary dentist clinic. Dr. Perry is a successful dentist in a small town of Cromwell in Canada. He had purchased the practice from a retiring dentist and has been successful in his practice considerably. However, he now faces a management problem of motivating his employees who are suffering from low morale and do not seem to be working as hard as they could to help increase the revenue of the clinic. Dr. Perry, had attended a dental conference in Chicago in 2005, and recalled two approaches to profit sharing which would help in motivating the employees. He now faces the dilemma as to which one of the two pay structures would be best suited for his practice as selecting a wrong pay structure could lead to further de-motivation of his employees. BACKGROUND OF THE CASE Dr. Jack Perry has managed to run a thriving dentistry practice in Cromwell which had a population of only 3000 and served an additional 7000 people from the surrounding areas. He had little competition in the form of 3 other dentists. Dr. Perry has sound financials and is witnessing a growth rate of 15 % annually. In conformance with industry norms Dr. Perry employs three categories of employees namely, receptionists, hygienists and assistants. At present he employs two part time receptionists, two full time hygienists, one full time assistant and one part time assistant. His employees were paid their wages at competitive hourly rates prevalent in the market. In addition to their hourly wages, they were given an Annual cash bonus of $400 during Christmas which was well appreciated by his employees. Dr. Jack Perry was quite involved with his staff by regularly discussing their work and salary on an informal basis. He allowed his employees 3 weeks holidays in a year. As a result Dr. Perry had virtually no staff turnover. Despite the his easy going manner, competitive salary and a pleasant work environment, Sandi the receptionist, had concluded that the morale was low among the staff, an observation Dr. Perry had made himself. OBJECTIVES To study the benefits and drawbacks of the two pay structures , its financial impact on the employees and how they would help him resolve the issue of low morale in the organization. To suggest the best suited pay-structure for Dr. Perry’s practice which would help him increase his collections by motivating his employees. CHARACTER SKETCH OF DR.PERRY Dr. Jack Perry is a dentist who has completed his graduation from an Ontario University dental school in 2011. He was a sole practitioner dentist in Cromwell, Ontario. Becoming a dentist in Canada was a rigorous process which required a lot of hard work and which included three years of study at the undergraduate level, followed by four years at an accredited dental school. Perry was happy with his work as he was giving competition to other three dentists in Cromwell. He was doing far better than his competitors and was proud of the financial success which came along with it. His business was now growing at 15 per cent annually. Perry had created a comfortable and easy going environment at the workplace. He used to have informal meetings with the staff annually to discuss the work and salary. His staffs were given three weeks of holiday per year. Not only this, but he also allowed his staff to take further unpaid vacation time as long as they can provide him with another staff member to handle their shifts. This gave the flexibility to the staff members as this thing made easier for them to spend some time with their families. All the team plans and organize the Christmas party before Christmas holidays. He used to give cash bonus for their hard work throughout the year. He was a benevolent boss. CASE ANALYSIS 1. The main reason for the decaying employee morale was the quick growth of the business. Dr. Perry’s employees were well compensated at competitive market rates and enjoyed a pleasant working environment. The annual growth of the business (15%) meant that his employees were making relatively less money than Dr. Perry himself. The current pay structure did not have any provision for any category of employees to earn a proportion of the profits. Every employee has a fixed hourly salary. Thus, a bigger business meant that they felt like slave labourers since they were aware of the increase in the practice’s revenues and number of patients. 2. Dr. Perry’s revenues largely depended on the hygienists who generated about 40% of the revenues. Even the receptionists played a vital role in adding to the revenue by filling in cancelled appointments. His assistants too contributed by playing the role of nurses by comforting the patients which further helped in patient retention. Thus it would seem only fair that a part of the profits must be shared with the employees in the form of a variable pay structure. 3. As per the conference which Dr. Perry had attended, the first approach of remunerating the employees focused on the contribution of the hygienists only. As per this approach, the hygienists would be paid purely on a commission basis of around 40% of the total earnings. The main advantages of this system are: It recognises the direct effect of the hygienists’ efforts on the revenues of the practice and rewards them for the same. A 40% commission would be financially more beneficial to the hygienists assuming the current level of collections. Also it is forecasted that such a pay structure would result in an increase in the billings by about 13%. The major drawback of this system is that it simply does not completely recognize the contribution of the receptionists and the assistants in the revenue generation of the firm. The pay structure does not clearly define how commission would be linked to the total earning of the receptionists and the assistants. Also, by making the earnings of the hygienists completely dependent on the revenue, it may lead to dissatisfaction of the hygienists of the collections did not increase. 4. The second approach states that the employees should be given a share of the profits at a pre established percentage over and above their hourly wage rates. This method ensured that : Some parts of the profits were distributed to all the categories of employees. At the same time since the employees would receive their hourly rates in any case, it would give them a sense of security and eventually help in maintaining the pleasant work atmosphere. However, this method did not distinguish between the categories of employees who contributed more to the revenues than those who contributed comparatively less. This could lead to de-motivation of the hygienists who had a direct impact on the revenues of the companies. Solutions/Suggestions For Hygienist : 1. Perry’s Clinic should recognise best skilled hygienists. Perry should conduct special trainings for the underperformers and bring them to the same level. 2. Targets of hygienists need to be on a similar alignment as that of the firm. 3. Teamwork needs to be motivated through annual bonus. 4. Incentives can be introduced to keep the results persistent. 5. The firm should control the cost through effective pay strategy. The above decisions could have the following effect on the hygienists – their income would increase; the effort put in by an individual would benefit him/her i.e. every individual is responsible for his/her incentives. Thirdly they would get an opportunity to work with an efficient peer group thereby nurturing each other. For Assistants & Receptionists: 1. The firm should encourage wage earners to spend time on highly skilled tasks. 2. Decrease interoffice concern about peer pay. Pay should be based on training level. 3. The weekly payroll should be known. 4. Annual bonus would motivate team work and coordination. By implementing these they would have stable pay, little daily pressure to up sell services. Their pay easily calculated each week. It would allow them to take time off providing high quality of work. CONCLUSIONS In the scenario where Dr. Perry business is growing at a healthy rate it is important to continuously monitor pay structure of the firm and revise it from time to time since remuneration is directly related to the motivation level of the employees. Dr. Perry must change the pay structure to accommodate profit sharing with the employees in the form of a bonus which would be a percentage of the total profits of the practice, in the case of increased revenues for that particular year. This method is better for the business at this stage because the practice is still in a growth stage. The profits can be divided among the different categories of employees in a number of ways. A drastic change in the pay structure from fixed to completely variable is not recommended because in case of lower collections in any particular year, it may lead to lower earnings for the employees. This pay structure can be further revised in the future to increase the profit sharing element in the remuneration of the employees as the firm grows bigger. MANAGERIAL LEARNINGS 1. Monetary benefits motivate people to perform better in most cases. It is important for managers to understand the link between the pay structure and the motivation levels of employees. Merely high wage rates may not be sufficient to motivate the employees and they must given a fair share of the profits earned by the firm. 2. Performance linked Variable Pay (PLVP) is a salary component present in most of the MNCs. This keeps the employees motivated to continuously increase their productivity rather than a fixed salary which may lead to a laid back style of working thereby impacting the performance negatively. 3. It is important for mangers to know the contribution of individual employees and different categories of employees and must frame the pay structure in accordance with the same. This would ensure that employees are rewarded sufficiently for better performances. 4. Keeping the market standards in mind, pay – structures must be constantly monitored and should be revised along with the growth of the firm in terms of revenue earned and the volume of business for employees of all levels. 5. Firms disclose their revenue generated through Quarterly/Semi Annual Meets. Managers must make sure that the employees understand not only the revenue aspect of a growing firm but also the increased costs associated with them and therefore emphasise on the need for higher productivity from the employees.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Dolls House an Madea Comparrison Essay

Like men, women have always played a specific role in society. Depending on the perspective of the viewer, one may say that the role woman have should change dramatically. In Ibsen’s play, A Doll House, legendary Greek playwright Euripides’ play, Medea and Eavan Boland’s poem â€Å"A Woman’s World,† the idea of a â€Å"woman’s place† and the appropriate conception of a â€Å"Woman’s World† is challenged. In all of these pieces of literature, women are faced with inevitable misogyny and unjustified predetermined inferences of character. Both Ibsen’s and Euripides’ pieces have these women challenging the idea of what their roles in society should be. In Medea the hatred used to strive for equality or revenge for being forced to accept the role of a woman is far more extreme than Ibsen’s Nora who takes on a more subtle approach is searching for self-worth, respect and equality. In â€Å"A Woman’s World† Boland’s message is used to show women their fault in accepting this overly domestic role in society. Bolan is trying to show woman to be more determined to find personal success, rather than simply living vicariously through the success of their husbands. In this poem the author urges women to search for equality and respect in love and society, just like the Nora and Medea in their stories. In A Doll House equality is eventually seen as a necessity for Nora’s love with Torvald. It’s the only thing that could keep hope for their marriage. When Nora’s finally realizes her potential as a woman, or rather a human being, her husband is shocked at her new frame of mind, and Nora is forced to leave him. Nora’s epiphany for a better life for herself is something the Boland is trying to give to her readers. â€Å"Our way of life has hardly changed since a wheel first whetted a knife. Well, maybe flame burns more greedily and wheels are steadier but we’re the same. † In this quote Boland explains that since the very beginning, even dating back to a nomadic period a woman’s role has essentially remained the same. Throughout the changes and advances in technology and what should be â€Å"society† the role of a woman has not changed dramatically enough. With the exceptions of a couple tweaks here and there, the frustration with society and there conception of â€Å"woman† continues. Nora standing up for herself was the reaction that Boland intended with â€Å"A Woman’s World. † Medea is also on the search for something in her story. To achieve equality and fairness soon becomes her feat. Of course with a different source of inspiration than Ibsen’s Nora, Medea has her â€Å"fun† with a misogynistic society and ex-lover. Thinking that he is giving her sound and helpful advice, Jason shares his view on a woman’s worth in the great scheme of life. Telling Medea that the only useful and profound impact women really have in life is to bare the children of the men of society. Aside from the betrayal of Jason, the dominant role the male gender has granted themselves became an added factor the Medea’s scorn as well as the extremities in her actions. Eventually killing her 2 male children, a vengeful woman becomes a cynical, and in that time ironically powerful woman. With the power to obtain the approval of the gods of her heinous and selfish actions, Medea takes away so much from Jason; his children, his heir to his success, and ultimately his legend. Although villainous, Medea snatches power away from the male gender and molds fate in her favor. Euripides’ play portrays an unstable but incredibly powerful and able woman, someone Boland is trying to prove to woman they can easily be, not including the instability. The tone of Boland’s poem shows frustration with the female genders acceptance of there â€Å"place† and the male dominance plaguing society. She’s no fire-eater, just my frosty neighbor coming home† she explains how women aren’t confrontational creatures screaming for their rightful place in society, they seem to stay quiet, cynical, and accepting until they just don’t anymore, until they are brought to their boiling point. Like Nora and Medea, Boland’s hope and intent with writing and sharing the poem is that all women will reach their boiling point and fight for the rightful place in society, less like Medea and more like Nora, but fight for respect as a woman.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write a Persuasive Essay Step-by-Step Guide - Paperell.com

How to Write a Persuasive Essay Step-by-Step Guide How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Step-By-Step Guide Academic writing assignments come in all shapes and sizes – there are certain standards like uniqueness or structure to keep in mind when completing such tasks but besides, each assignment also has an individual set of requirements that have to be met. These tasks are what causes the biggest confusion and stress among college students. Many students never stop struggling with their papers.One of the most widespread assignments learners from all around the globe face at all stages of their lives is an essay. This short paper is often assigned at school, college, university, and is also an integral part of many examinations, contests, and even applications for jobs or educational institutions. Thus, an essay and all its forms are something we deal with on the daily basis. There are four main types of this paper and in this post, we are going to define one of the most popular and also the most challenging type – a persuasive essay.Definition Of A Persuasive EssayWriting a persuasive essay, you are supposed to define a particular topic (it can be a problem, event, subject or another), give your opinion on the stated problem, and the ultimate goal of your paper is to convince the audience in the validity of your perspective on a topic. This essay is much different from all the others. Such texts have to provide a logical, valid, and compelling opinion on a particular topic that you have shaped in the course of conducting research and it has to support your opinion with some strong arguments. Thus, persuasion is the main goal of this task.Step-By-Step Guide On How To Write A Persuasive EssayThere are several key steps to take to create a high-quality paper:Defining a topicMany students get stuck on this step because they do not know where to look for good persuasive essay topics and how to choose one. There are a few tips that can help you out in this matter – look for a list of interesting topics related to the subject you study online and find something you are interested in. Also, make sure you have enough knowledge on a particular subject. The last tip is to adjust the topic in accordance to your needs. You can rephrase it however you want but most important is to ensure it is not too simple or complicated, and also ensure that its focus is not too broad or narrow – try to keep a fine line here.Getting familiar with the basic requirementsEvery academic paper has a number of specific requirements in addition to some universal rules of writing, which is why you have to get familiar with these requirements. Also, note that a particular university or teacher may also have some additional, unique demands that also have to be taken into account – thus, if you were given a guide or a set of rules, make sure you read and comprehend them.Conducting researchUnlike other essays, a persuasive paper always requires conducting extensive research to collect the required facts and arguments for the text. How to do researc h? You are free to use any resources you can find on the Internet or in a library including:Scholarly or non-scholarly books;Surveys;Articles published in trusted scientific or non-scholarly journals or magazines;Articles from technical or scholarly journals;Statistical databases;Interviews with experts;Government websites, etc.However, use them wisely. If you take sources from the Internet, make sure they are valid and trustworthy – the wisest way is to take information from official scientific databases or government websites. Keep in mind that your paper’s purpose is both to make a particular topic clear for the audience and to provide a number of valid arguments to support your personal opinion.Creating a persuasive essay outlineWriting an outline is a must because even the most experienced students can’t write the whole paper at once without missing something or making mistakes. Thus, it simply saves time on editing and proofreading. Besides, an outline hel ps you to adhere to the right persuasive essay format and structure. Before going on to this step, we recommend finding a high-quality outline sample to ensure you are on the right track.Write your paperOnce you have collected all the data for your text and have a detailed outline, it is time to move to the most important stage of your work – writing. This process should not take too much time if you have created a good outline. However, it is one of the most responsible steps you have to make, which is why we have prepared a list of the most effective writing tips you can find as you continue reading this article.Polish the textThe last step consists of two important actions – proofreading and editing your final draft, which is done to detect and eliminate any mistakes you have made.Tips On Writing A Top-Notch Persuasive EssayIf you are not sure how to write an essay of high quality or simply lack experience in this matter, the tips below should come in handy and make this process simpler for you.Write a strong and arguable thesis statementIn this paper, a good thesis statement is as important as ever as it is the main component of your text – it is your opinion that you are going to prove. For this paper, make a thesis statement that defines your strong, active position regarding a particular topic – it has to be clear, logical, and you have to ensure you can find enough materials to defend it.Make a good persuasive essay introductionThe intro is one of the most important parts of every paper because its goal is to attract the reader’s attention and make the reader want to continue reading your work. However, a poorly written intro loses the readers’ attention and negatively influences the perception of your text, which is why writing a good introductory paragraph is important. How to make a good intro? Here are a few tips:Start with a hook to attract attention;Provide an insight into your topic;Add a clear thesis st atement.Write the body paragraphsAs a rule, you will be required to create a minimum three body paragraphs, each should be devoted to a single point related to your main argument. The body paragraphs aim to justify your thesis and present your arguments for its support. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:Open each paragraph with a clear and logical topic sentence that specifies the main point of the paragraph;Provide valid, clear, and accurate evidence;Use facts, examples, statistics, and other valid sources as your main arguments;Make your paragraphs look like harmonic pieces;Add counterarguments and rebuttals;Make logical transitions between paragraphs.Write a logical persuasive essay conclusionYour goal is to make a conclusion that brings together all of the arguments you have provided in your essay and to leave a long-lasting impression. As a rule, you have to restate your main ideas and thesis here. Also, it is a good idea to answer the following questions in your co nclusion:What are the ways to apply your argument to a broader context?Why do you believe the described issue matters (quick tip: here you can also explain why a particular opinion or argument means something to you)?What other questions have arisen after the research?Final WordsA step-by-step guide and tips provided in this article should help you create a high-quality persuasive paper easily and avoid making some of the most common mistakes. Writing it is not too difficult if you choose the right approach. However, sometimes, if you have no time to finish the work or face any major difficulties with it, it is better to ask for some help, for example, to find an assistant at a reliable persuasive essay writing service.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Broken-Record Responses

Definition and Examples of Broken-Record Responses Definition In communication studies, the broken-record response is the conversational strategy of forestalling further discussion by repeating the same phrase or sentence over and over. also called the broken-record technique. Depending on the circumstances, the broken-record response may be a negative politeness strategy or a comparatively tactful way of avoiding an argument or a power struggle.With the broken-record technique, says  Suzie Hayman, it is important to use some of the same words over and over again in different sentences. This reinforces the main part of your message and prevents others raising red herrings or diverting you from your central message (Be More Assertive, 2010).   Examples and Observations [The professor] was totally blowing me off. Every time I tried to get the conversation going, all he kept saying was, Well, its a real controversial point.(Peter Taylor, Penny J. Gilmer, and Kenneth George Tobin, Transforming Undergraduate Science Teaching. Peter Lang, 2002) What are you looking for? Terri chirped from above me. Ill help you find it, and you can help me win the contest.Im not listening to you. Im not listening to you. Im not listening to you, I said while I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.(Mary Carter, Accidentally Engaged. Kensington, 2007) A coworker once recalled sleeping on a couch in the inventors Baltimore home. It was a time when shops were regularly sending delaminated and bent skis back to [Howard] Head. I woke up, the worker said, and I heard Howard in the next room. I know Im right, youre wrong! Im right, youre wrong! Howard never gave up- even in his sleep.(John Fry, Heads Easy-to-Turn Metal Ski Helped Turn America On to Skiing. Ski magazine, November 2006) My family loves actioncontrol freaks, every last one of them. Stagnation, lack of progress, and the loss of a consecutive narrative were all unbearable to them. I could only offer the broken-record response, What more is there to say? I feel exactly the same today as yesterday. I became so disgusted with having the same discussion again and again that I found it easier simply to evade such conversations and so begin a strategy of avoidance.(Lynne Greenberg, The Body Broken: A Memoir. Random House, 2009) The Broken-Record Response in the Classroom The broken record uses a precise statement that explains what the expectation is and the consequence of not following through. An example is: I know you are a social person and really want to talk to your friends now, but this is the time devoted to writing in the journal. You need to go to your desk and write. If you do not write, you do not earn points.The student has been affirmed, given the direction, and knows the consequences when the teacher request is ignored. Separate our emotion and stay with the facts. Decide if you will repeat the broken record response two or more times, but follow through with the consequence.(Robert Wandberg and Roberta Kaufman, Powerful Practices for High-Performing Special Educators. Corwin, 2010) The Broken-Record Response in Medical Settings This technique of calmly repeating your decision is called the broken record response. It will help you stand firm against even the most aggressive person without increasing the level of conflict.The broken record technique may be especially helpful if you ever have to deal with a drug-seeking or otherwise persistent patient.(Robyn Gohsman, Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy: Law and Ethics. Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2008)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The international day in The united Arab Emirats Essay

The international day in The united Arab Emirats - Essay Example 145). There is youth day, women day and Jazz ceremony all being international events. Basing our discussion on the Jazz international day, it is worth noting that the ceremony held every year. It involves individuals from the different groups that are members of the United Arab Emirates; for example in 2013, there was a Jazz event at Dubai. This one of the largest member states of Emirates, and the ceremony theme was on uniting culture. Jazz Amalgam ceremony aimed at uniting people, discouraging members from civil war and promoting peace and harmony among the member states. During this event, People would understand one another and get to take each other as brother. The songs and dances would be educative and directed to peace making. They would help in assisting people understand the negative impacts of conflict and civil wars. The dancers would present performance of insecurity, loss of life resulting from conflict hence encouraging members to love one another and work towards protection for their own and reduction of terrorism. For example, in the 10th annual ceremony at Dubai, dignitaries from various nations such as France were invited the event, which is said to be symbolic. The federation leader was observed to sit at the central position leading the opening remarks. Scholars have observed that this was a sign of unity as the federation leader acted as a mediator who would help unite Arabs with western nations such as U.S.A. The France ambassador was present to learn more of Arab culture, and this would help reduce emerging conflict among the western and Arab states. Furthermore, in the 10th annual ceremony, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and Thelonious chairman were present to participate in intercultural dialogue. This was a special event as it marked the beginning of unity among the western British and the Arabs. It is said to